Webinar recap: how to find fresh corporate content ideas

Strong corporate comms teams understand the importance of maintaining a steady publishing schedule to keep channels active and audiences engaged. But without the tools and processes in place to consistently find new story ideas, that output can dry right up.

In Speak’s latest webinar, ‘Surfacing Stories: Finding Fresh Corporate Content Ideas’, Speak’s head of content, George Wright Theohari, and senior content producer, Sophie Parrott, highlighted the common challenges that comms teams face around ideation – and shared tactics to help them maintain a steady output of great stories across channels.

“A mainstream newsroom might be pumping out hundreds of stories every day,” George said. “Most brands have no need to produce content at that pace or scale – but we can still use the techniques and tactics that fuel those content operations.”

The webinar delved into three core areas: how to think like a journalist, how to build a story-generating ‘system’ and what story-finding tactics to use – featuring some brand storytelling inspiration. In a final Q&A, George answered a few burning questions – including the single story-gathering tactic he would recommend the most.  

Want to get the full scoop? Watch the webinar recording on LinkedIn.

Looking for some additional support with developing or polishing a piece of content? Reach out for more information – and to book a free virtual ‘copy clinic’ session with our head of content George Theohari by emailing him at georgetheohari@speakmedia.co.uk.

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