Listen and learn: how to get the most out of a single interview

After weeks of coordinating calendars, you’ve scheduled an interview – now it’s time to make the most of it. Find out how to improve the quality of your conversations, gather standout material for multiple pieces – and get a better bang for your (content) buck.

Picture this scene: you’ve finally managed to book an interview with a busy expert, client or stakeholder. You haven’t got long to chat, and it’s crucial that you use this time wisely. After all, the last thing you need is to leave the discussion realising you’ve barely scratched the surface.

So, what can you do to avoid this and make sure you get the most out of a single interview?

It all starts with research. Trawl through the interviewees’ socials, old interview transcripts and press coverage to help identify the questions that they’ve answered a hundred times already. This will ensure you ask the right things and help uncover fascinating details that give you unique content (or at least a good starting point) for future articles.

But don’t just rely on the questions themselves – make sure you establish a rapport with interviewees. You’d be amazed at how far a bit of small talk can go in helping people relax and open up. A comfortable conversation can give you ‘soundbite gold’ that you’ll be able to use again and again.

Once you’re in the flow of the interview, encourage your subject to share any personal anecdotes, stories or reflections. Great corporate communication is all about storytelling, and this human lens will add an engaging personal touch to their answers.

Finally, don’t be afraid to go off script. Listen out for those compelling nuggets of information that you can investigate further. Never underestimate the power of the follow-up question – you can unearth a whole new angle for your piece, a crucial bit of information that ties it all together or even a potential starting point for a future content package.

These tactics will help you leave the conversation with an interviewee who feels heard – and all the materials that you need for an excellent piece (or two!) of branded content.

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