Great content, unearthed

Looking for a bit of content inspiration? This week, the Speak team uncovers an engaging story from Google Earth that feels truly relevant to the brand.

At Speak, we dig up great stories about people that feel relevant to brands and the services they provide. Cue our latest bit of content inspiration.

We loved reading Google’s short feature on Peter Welch, whose metal-detecting club found a £1.5 million cache of Saxon coins (with a little help from Google Earth).

If you’re looking for a piece that captures an authentic voice, genuine enthusiasm and a strong sense of place – which can’t always be said of that much corporate content – it’s a brilliant reference.

It’s presented with an animated lead image that immerses you in a patch of farmland, an exceptional video that throws you into the world of metal-detecting excursions, tailored photography featuring wide landscapes and detailed close-ups and a compelling pull quote. The result is a real treasure. 

Lead image: Courtesy of Airbus, CNES/Airbus, Copernicus, Maxar Technology, and USGS/NASA Landsat.

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