Speak snapshot: how your competitors are approaching LinkedIn content

Want to know how your competitors are approaching content on LinkedIn? Our snapshot study analysed the activity of some of the largest brands, highlighting the most talked about topics and the content formats drumming up the best engagement. Here’s what we found…

Whether it’s highlighting employee achievements or posting eye-catching infographics to stop social media users in their scroll, every company has its own approach to LinkedIn content.

To discover how various brands are working across this social media channel, we conducted a snapshot study analysing the LinkedIn activity of some of the most influential firms.

Gathered over one month, the data captured more than 450 posts from 30 companies operating in a range of industry sectors – including consumer goods, oil and gas, betting and gambling and pharmaceutical.

The analysis explored the formats, topics and posting frequencies of these brands – and highlighted which approaches reaped the most and least engagement.  

So, how is your team’s method faring compared to your peers’? Below, we’ve compiled a list of key findings from the snapshot report to help you benchmark your own LinkedIn strategy.

10 takeaways: at a glance

1. On average, the companies included in the report posted around 15 times per month.

2. Of the 450+ LinkedIn posts reviewed, the average number of engagements – which combines the number of likes, reposts and comments received – was 543.

3. In the reporting month, the most talked about topic was each brand’s own business (140 posts).

4. This was followed by content featuring colleagues (119 posts), employer branding (108 posts) and relating to sustainability (86 posts).

5. The top three posts, based on engagement rate, were from a healthcare firm, an energy supplier and a sports betting and gambling company. The subject matter of these posts ranged from the introduction of new offices to updates around family leave policies and development hubs.

6. The top three posts, based on overall engagement, were from an oil and gas company, a consumer goods brand and a financial services firm. Topics covered in these posts included recent staff appointments and the launch of new projects.

7. The best-performing format, based on engagement rate, was multi-image – followed by image and live-action video.

8. The content formats that received the lowest scores for engagement were slideshows and polls.

9. The top three brands, by total overall engagements, were a consumer goods company (48,239), an alcoholic beverage firm (27,567) and a financial services provider (19,572).

10.The top three brands, by average engagement per post, were two oil and gas companies (2,614 and 1,869 engagements, respectively) and a financial services firm (2,039).

To access data from the full snapshot report, enquire about bespoke data reporting or find out how to improve your brand’s content engagement, contact Gabrielle from our client services team at gabriellebridle@speakmedia.co.uk or on LinkedIn.


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